We've been together over three years now. It took almost ten years to get to where we are now, deeply in love and thinking of taking that extra step. That's another factor that I, sure to have been the perennial bachelor, would never have succumbed to but Lakshmi, like I said, is an amazing woman.
Our first meeting was in Sixth Form College. Her father worked for the diplomatic service and this meant she traveled around as much as he did. Unfortunately her mother had passed away several years before so it was just the two of them; there were no other brothers or sisters.
From the first moment she strolled into the communal lounge set aside for us from the rest of the school, something about her gripped me. It was one of those things that were indescribable. You knew it was there but you couldn't exactly put your finger on it and say; 'that's it. That's what she has.' With her jet black hair, clear brown eyes and wonderfully expressive face I was immediately drawn to her, fancying her as I hadn't any other girl in the school. I adored the way her school tie nestled between the twin orbs of her generous breasts. She had long legs and didn't wear the regulation style tights the others wore. These were nylon like my older sister. Her legs tapered down into a delicate ankle, accentuated by the heeled shoes she wore.
If her arrival at the school wasn't good enough, it turned out she was moving into the same street I lived on. I wasn't aware of that straight away. Going home that day I saw the removal van and the brown jacketed workers moving box after box into the house that had been recently rented out. Her father did own a house but moved around in accordance with his job. It was the following week that I noticed her coming out of the house as I was leaving for college.
That was the first time we spoke. Young and charged with hormones I was surprised she knew my name. It's easy for a group of people to remember the name of a new arrival, more difficult when the new arrival has to remember lots of names. That was what I had found when I first started at the college.
We talked all the way, a good fifteen-minute walk. I learned that, due to her father's job, she had travelled most of her life. Singapore. Malaysia United States and few more other countries as well. This was her first time in Singapore since she had been five years old. The United States was her favorite, she said you could express yourself in the way you wanted, life was more laid back and people were more accepting. As a young, Indian student I was too aware of the fact how much intolerance there was in this country. It simmered under the surface, particularly evident in Dublin and other larger cities. Her words sowed the seeds of a desire to, one day; seek out the kind of nirvana she was talking about.
'The other thing I've learned,' she said casually, her voice a weird mix-match of accent 'is that you have to take every opportunity you can.'
'How do you mean?'
'If you move around a lot, you miss out on things,' she explained. 'You're never in a place long enough to make any real connection, any real friends. That's one thing I do regret, having a lack of friends, especially a boyfriend. Not knowing how long I would be in any place, I learned to take every chance I got to make the most out of any particular place.'
'I can imagine it could be difficult.'
Lakshmi nodded. 'It is, Raju’s Dad does try his best but, lately, I'm left to my own devices. He recognizes that I'm growing up now and he can relax a bit and look after himself for a change. He's done a lot for me, accepted a lot of what I've had to tell him and never, ever criticized anything.'
'Do you smoke?' she asked, removing a pack of cigarettes from the inside pocket of her jacket.
‘now,' she said, lighting one, 'this is the only thing that pisses him off.'
'My sister smokes, Causes a huge fight every time she does it in the house.'
'So, Raju, do you have a girlfriend?' she asked suddenly.
Lakshmi stopped and looked at me, the cigarette in her mouth. 'Maybe we should go out. You're a good looking man and remember what I was saying about taking every opportunity?'
'I do.'
She discarded the cigarette and placed her hands on the sides of my face and drew me closer into a kiss. I felt her soft lips press against mine, could smell her perfume and the scent of her hair. Her tongue probed my mouth, tasting of the cigarette she had just smoked. I didn't care. She was kissing me, holding me and I responded, kissing back with equal passion, my heart racing in my chest. The kiss was long enough, forceful enough to have my penis erecting in my trousers. Luckily our bodies were not that close together so she would not be able to feel it press against her.
'You're a good kisser,' she smiled. 'I like that in a boyfriend.'
All I could do was look at her. There were only inane things swirling around in my head and I shifted my position to relieve the growing pressure in my groin.
Lakshmi laughed at my seemingly obvious discomfort. After stroking the side of my face she kissed my cheek. 'Don't we have some kind of assignment to hand in tomorrow?'
I frowned. 'Yes.'
'Come over after dinner this evening,' she went on. 'We can compare notes and help each other out.'
'That would be good,' I replied. 'I'm struggling with it.'
'Tell me about it,' she agreed. 'History wasn't the easy option that I thought it was going to be.'
We resumed walking to college, now with her hand in mine. I couldn't believe my luck, dating had never been this easy before. Most girls I knew did not want to go out with me. I was shy enough as it was. Mercifully Lakshmi had made it easy for me this occasion and had asked me out. Walking down the streets I felt like I had never felt before, almost indestructible as I strolled with this attractive girl, her soft flesh in mine, the taste of her lips still on mine.
I did not know it then but she affected me more than anyone else had ever done and, for years to come, would remain at the back of my mind.
Our first official date happened a few days later. We went to the cinema. I strolled the short distance to her house, dressed in my best shirt and a liberal amount of borrowed aftershave from my father. I'd been looking forward to this all day, having her all to myself for a change. Since she had first kissed me that was all I could think about; how it had made me feel, how much of an effect she had on me. I had never known anyone like her.
And she was my girlfriend.
Lakshmi answered the door. I was expecting her father. She explained that he had gone home for the weekend just to ensure the house was fine, even though his mother checked on it every couple of days.
'Do you fancy something to drink before we go?' she asked.
'Sure,' I answered.
I was led through to the lounge, which I had only seen briefly before. There was only the minimum of furniture and decoration. Again that was due to the fact they moved around and less possessions made it all the easier.
'This all right?' she asked with a wicked smile as she held up a bottle of vodka.
'Sure,' I repeated.
She poured a couple of glasses and then came back over to me and directed me onto the couch. When she sat down I saw the way her short skirt rode up her legs. My eyes followed her legs from the high leather boots she wore, all along the stockings and, just above that, her pale flesh. There was a tattoo on her right thigh, a lion's head.
'I'm a Leo,' she explained, noting my interest in it. 'Or, maybe, that's not what you're interested in?'
'The tattoo,' I replied, a bit too hastily.
'Liar,' she chided.
'You look beautiful,' I said, after sipping on the vodka.
'I know,' she replied.
I checked my watch. 'We should be on our way.'
Lakshmi stood up and walked through to the adjoining room. I thought she was going for a coat but she returned exactly as she was. In one hand she held a video case and a take-away menu in the other. 'I don't want to go out. Let's just stay in and take advantage of an empty house.'
'That's fine with me,' I replied.
'I knew it would be.' She walked across, picked up her glass and drained the remainder of the vodka. When she bent down, her blouse was open enough to reveal a good view of her breasts and the lacy bra she wore.
'What's the video?' I asked. I watched her take the entire bottle of vodka and bring it over to the table and set it down.
She shrugged her shoulders. 'Don't know. Dad picked up a couple for me to occupy my time while he's gone. Probably some idiotic chick-flick that he assumes I would be interested in.'
‘which you're not?'
'Screw you,' she laughed and playfully slapped me. She tossed the menu into my lap. It was for the local Chinese restaurant which also did a home delivery service. 'Choose whatever you want. Dad has an account.'
'You don't cook either?'
She raised her eyebrows. 'I do cook, for your information. Not tonight, though. We're not so close that I'm going to start cooking you meals.'
'That's not what I meant.'
A smile spread across her face. 'Gotcha!'
We ended up rolling on the couch, laughing as each of us tried to gain the upper hand in this good-natured struggle. It was soon cast aside and we were kissing, our lips melded together, tongues hungry in each other's mouth, our bodies close. I could feel the firmness of her breasts against my chest and, I'm sure, she could feel my erection pressed at her leg. My hands caressed her, reached down and touched her stockings, felt how smooth they were. Almost like a second skin.
'Relax,' she whispered, breaking the kiss. She wriggled from under me and sat up. 'I'm hungry, yes. Right now it's for food.'
'Sorry,' I apologized, realizing I must have given her cause for concern when I was stroking her leg.
'Don't be,' she smiled. 'You have a gentle touch. If you're good, I may let you touch my legs later.'
'What would you like?'
'Actually,' she replied, 'I want you to touch my breasts. As for the food, just tell them my usual and they'll know.'
'You're obviously a regular customer.'
'I adore Chinese food. Always have.'
'I've not really had it,' I admitted. 'Tried a few mouthfuls once but that's about it. Would you order for me?'
'They do other dishes as well.'
'I'll be adventurous,' I replied.
'I knew that was the kind of person you were,' she said. 'There was something about you, some vibe I got that day we first kissed. I knew that I wouldn't be making a fool of myself.'
'As if.'
'Hey,' she said, seriously, 'I've been hurt in the past. I haven't always been the girl you see before you now. Relationships, even brief ones, are things I take seriously. I don't like pain or ridicule.'
'I didn't mean to upset you,' I apologized, taking hold of her hand and squeezing it with reassurance. 'I wouldn't.'
'I hope you don't,' she added. Then her smile returned. 'So, you'll trust me to order for you?'
We were upstairs in her bedroom. It overlooked the street, the light from a streetlamp shining in and she closed the curtains. There was still enough illumination penetrating the thin material as she led me to the bed and pulled me onto it. Knelt there, we began kissing, our hands exploring our bodies tenderly. The more we kissed, the more fever driven our actions were. Lakshmi moved back and allowed me to undo the buttons on her blouse, popping the buttons and parting the crisp cotton. I took a deep breath before reaching out and cupping her breasts through the thin lace of her bra. She has big breast of 38 D, soft and fleshy.She sighed and her nipples hardened under my touch, rubbing at my palms as I ran them over her flesh.
'That's nice,' she smiled.
I looked down at her stockings, the tabs of her suspender belt on show. The lion's head in its' perpetual roar looked back at me. There was a rage inside me as strong as the beast that was on her thigh. Overwhelming me the more I touched her, kissed her and felt her hands on me.
Through my expression I asked her what was gradually taking hold of me.
Lakshmi shook her head. 'Not tonight,' she replied. 'Just touch my breasts, kiss them and I'll suck you, But, nothing more.'
Her nipple in my mouth was an extraordinary experience, as hard as I sucked on it, her breast soft yet firm in my hand. I had never been in such a position before and silently prayed that I was doing it right. Being here, with her, I wanted to satisfy her in the way she wanted and try not to reveal my inexperience. This was the farthest I had gone with a girl. The first time I had touched a naked breast, let alone have my mouth clamped around an erect nipple.
'Lie down,' she whispered.
When I was lying on the bed, she towered over me, her big breasts swaying as she bent down and started unfastening my trousers. I could feel my heart hammering and an increase of pressure in my temples as she pulled them down, pushed aside my briefs and removed my erect penis. I shivered as her hand wrapped around my shaft and started to rub up and down, pulling back my foreskin to reveal my deep glans. Her hand looked so pale against my dark penis.
The way she masturbated me lit every nerve in my body. Each sensual caress caused me to shudder, to gasp in a delight I had never known. Touching myself never gave rise to such a defined reaction.
'If you like that,' she smiled, her eyes twinkling in the subdued light, 'then this will be even better.' Her mouth opened and she lowered herself onto my penis, sucking it into her mouth.
I made an exclamation as she fed me further in, taking as much of me as she was able. I could feel her teeth on my shaft, her tongue licking around me, her hand still rubbing my shaft. This was the closest thing to heaven I could imagine. She brought her mouth back up until only her lips touched my crown and then plunged me back into her mouth, clamping tight around me and sucking. I knew I could not stave off the inevitable much longer and told her.
Lakshmi looked up and smiled and resumed her task. My balls contracted and there was a rush of pleasure that made me writhe and sigh aloud before I started to come, my semen flowing directly into her mouth. I was in awe of that as she sucked me, drank down all that I gave her and kept me inside her after I was done, my shaft beginning to soften.
Then a door downstairs slammed shut.
Lakshmi suddenly sat up on the bed, shuffled across the bed and parted the curtain slightly. 'Shit!' she exclaimed, agitated. 'Dad's home!'
'Something must be wrong,' she said, keeping her voice low.
'Lakshmi?' a voice called from below. 'Are you home?'
'You have to get out of here,' she whispered to me, searching for her blouse and struggling to put it on in her anxiety. 'I'll keep him talking and you sneak out the door. Give me a few minutes.'
I nodded, rearranging my own clothing.
'Lakshmi?' her father repeated.
'Coming,' she called back. Then she lowered her voice again. 'Well, I wasn't but you certainly did. I can't wait to have that cock of yours in my mouth again.'
Now the initial shock was gone, I was surprised at how calmly she dressed herself, brushed her hair quickly and then headed to the door. 'Five minutes. Then sneak out. I'll call you later.' She blew me a kiss and then opened the door, exited and closed it gently behind her.
I waited as long as she said, then opened the door carefully and peered out. I could hear voices coming from the lounge as I sneaked down the stairs, sure that a careless footfall would make a stair creak and all would be discovered. Once I reached the foot without incident, I hurried across to the front door, opened it and closed it as quietly as I could. I heard the click as the lock snapped back into place and froze. When no one, her father, came to the door I sighed with relief and walked away into the night with a blissful memory of Lakshmi and her mouth sucking my penis firmly embedded in my mind.
I only saw her one final time after that. The reason her father had returned so suddenly was because some kind of diplomatic incident had occurred in Singapore and he was being dispatched to handle it and then remain on in an official capacity, which meant she was leaving again and our relationship came to a grinding halt before it had even really begun.
We said an emotional goodbye in my bedroom, kissing and touching each other. As before, she performed oral sex on me, allowing it to splatter across her naked breasts before she rubbed her fingers through it and licked them clean with a huge grin on her face as she did so.
Though we promised to remain in touch, contact began to wane. Our letters to each other were raunchy, filled with imaginative descriptions of how we wanted to make love to each other and I lay alone at night, reading them and masturbating myself. I longed for her, wanted her to come back. Over time her letters became less frequent though she was ever in the back of my mind. Other girls were compared to her and it eroded possible relationships because I was constantly seeking someone who was just like her. The realization that she had become such a defining force in my life crept up on me. It was hard to accept at first. But, Lakshmi was my first real love and it seemed natural that she would affect me so much.
It took time but, in the end, I banished the ghost of her from my mind.
We met again ten years later.
I walked into my solicitor's office to put my signature on the divorce papers that my estranged wife had served. It was a particularly rough time for me. We'd been having our troubles like most other couples did. Only ours centered on my inability to father children. My wife came from a large family and family was important to her. She wanted children of her own and all our attempts had failed. A fertility test revealed it was me who had the problem. My sperm count made it nigh impossible for me to father a child. Shalini was against adoption and the rift began, grew and spread until she announced her intentions of obtaining a divorce. All my pleas were met with resistance and, in the end, I resigned myself to the fact our marriage was over.
Seated in the waiting room I glanced through the pages of some law magazine that sat on a table. There had been only one other person waiting, a woman. When I had entered I thought there was something familiar about her but I couldn't place it. I wasn't looking too intently. Women were the last thing on my mind.
She was still there after I had been inside, signed the documents, and coming into the waiting room again.
'Raju?' she asked, staring at me.
I looked at her. Now that I was paying attention, she was very attractive with long, black hair, glasses. She had a lovely pair of clear, blue eyes. Put all that with the very nice, toned body she appeared to have under the black dress she wore and she could have re-ignited my passion there and then.
'You don't remember me?' she asked.
'I'm sorry,' I apologies. 'I have a lot on my mind at the moment.'
'I can see that,' she smiled.
pointed at her. 'Lakshmi?'
She nodded enthusiastically. 'Well, you got there in the end. How long has it been? Nine years?'
'Ten,' I corrected her.
'Hey Bhagwan (Oh God), ten years. That's a long time.'
'A very long time, you look good. The image change suits you; the black hair and the glasses.'
Lakshmi removed the glasses. 'They're just plain glass. I don't have a problem with my eyesight. The years have been kind to you as well.'
'Not that kind,' I grumbled in reply.
'Let me buy you a drink,' she offered. Without waiting for an answer she approached the receptionist and rearranged her meeting. 'It wasn't that important anyway,' she added for my benefit.
There was some themed pub around the corner from the solicitor's office and was quite full with a lunchtime rush when we entered. We managed to locate a table near the rear of the bar and sat down while she went to order some drinks, once she asked me what it was I drank those days.
'Thanks,' I smiled at her when she returned with a tray. There were a couple of pints and then separate shots of vodka.
She handed them out. 'For old times' sake.'
We clinked the glasses together and downed the cool vodka and set the glasses down with an audible thump.
'Damn it, Raju, I've missed you,' she said, reaching out and taking my hand. 'I didn't realize how much until I saw you in the solicitors.'
'I've missed you too.'
'I'm sorry we drifted apart.'
I shook my head. 'So am I. I loved your letters. They satiated a great need that I had at the time.'
'Is that all it took?' she laughed with good nature. 'A few letters? , Having said that, yours had me squirming with lust. You have a way with words, Raju.'
'Have you been in Singapore all these years?'
'No,' she shook her head. 'I spent a couple of years in the Philippines as well, at a strict convent school. That's why my letters began to slow down. The nuns weren't above opening the mail and reading it before it went out or they handed it out to the recipients. I had a lot of Hail Mary's to atone for my sins of the flesh.'
'Sounds like fun.'
'Only if you liked that sort of thing,' she replied. 'They didn't really like me to begin with, because of who I was.'
'A foreigner?'
'That as well,' she agreed. 'Mostly it was to do with my sexuality that I was quite fond of expressing as you are aware.'
'That must have shocked them.'
'Like you couldn't imagine.'
'So,' I said, raising my pint, 'is this a fleeting visit or are you staying around for a while?'
'I'm thinking of staying, More so now that I've run into you again.'
'So, you married or what?'
I looked at the ring on my finger. Slowly I took it off and laid it on the table between us. 'The divorce papers are signed. I guess I won't be needing that anymore.'
'Is that why you were there?' she asked. 'Raju, I'm sorry.'
I made a dismissive gesture. 'I've accepted it now. That part of my life is now closed. No need to be sorry. What were you doing there?'
'Looking for a job!'
'And you walked away to be with me?' I said, looking at her. 'Lakshmi, why did you not say?'
'Wasn't that interested in it anyway,' she replied. 'I'm more qualified than what they were looking for. I have some more interviews lined up so one lost one is not a worry.'
'If you're certain? I think I've come to know him quite well by now. If you change your mind I can always give him a call.'
'No. It's not important.'
'So, you're a law graduate?'
'That's right. I get to lie for a living,' she chuckled. 'What do you do?'
'I used to be a police officer,' I replied. 'Now, I run my own little security firm. There's more money in it, less hassle. I really grew tired of the racist taunts.'
'People can be hurtful,' she agreed. 'I know.'
'It was my colleagues,' I admitted.
Her face brightened into a smile. 'Hey, let's go out tonight. I think we could both do with some cheering up.'
'What's bothering you?' I asked her.
She shrugged. 'I need a good night out, that's all. I haven't been on the best of form since I split with my boyfriend.'
'You difficult to live with?' I asked.
'Sorry?' she replied, confusion on her face.
'Well, it has to be something,' I replied. 'I mean, what man would not feel pride to have such a beautiful woman as their girlfriend. I did when we were dating all those years ago.'
'Thank you,' she smiled. 'I'm actually very easy to live with.'
'So, why did you split up?'
'It really doesn't matter. There was just a part of me that he couldn't accept. I'm no longer angry about it. Still, I miss waking up next to a man, kissing him good morning.'
'His loss,' I commented.
'Are we going out, then?'
'Yes,' I nodded. 'You haven't changed at all. When you want something, you go for it. I always thought that made you even more attractive.'
'Are you coming on to me?' she asked playfully.
'I can't help wondering where we would have been now had you not left all those years ago.'
I nodded and took another drink from my glass. 'It's funny. For so long I thought about you every day, wondering how you were, what you were doing and whom you were with. The last part always got me insanely jealous even though, I knew, we were no longer going out. Then, I didn't think about you so much. Now, all those feelings I had for you are right back with me, as strong as they ever were.'
'I used to wonder what it would have been like as well,' she replied. 'All those years ago, I was the kind of person who went out for a lot of fun. I never really knew where I would be next or how long I would be in one place. But, Raju, you got through to me. You're the only guy I knew, back then that I wrote to.'
'I loved you,' I told her, blurting it out without thinking about it.
Lakshmi put her glass down and fixed her eyes on me. For several, long moments she didn't speak and I started to think that I should have thought more on what I was saying before I actually said it. That was one of my failings.
'You never said,' she replied, her voice quieter. 'All those months we wrote, you never told me how you felt.'
'I didn't think it would have done any good.'
'I suppose not,' she conceded.
'I'd better go,' I said then, getting to my feet.
'You think I'm upset by this?' she asked, looking up at me. She shook her head, strands of hair falling across her eyes, which she brushed away. 'Sit down and finish your drink. I'm not upset.'
Another shake of her head. 'No.'
I resumed my seat. 'I shouldn't have just come out with that.'
'After all we shared together?' she asked. 'Back then, that was the one thing I really wanted you to say to me. I knew it would have been difficult, being separated by such a huge distance. All those letters, many of them turning me on like you could not imagine all those revelations and confidences. If you had told me that you loved me, it would have been the best words you could have written.'
'I wanted to.'
'Then you should have.'
'I didn't know how you'd react.'
Lakshmi pulled her chair closer to mine. She placed her hand over mine as she kissed me on the cheek. 'Now, you do.'
'I do.'
'Right,' she said, letting her hand drop to rest on my leg. 'Where are you taking me this evening?'
'Can we have a rain check?'
'No,' she replied defiantly, 'we cannot. You need this. We both do.' She took her hand away long enough to remove a card from her bag and give it to me. Then her hand returned to my leg, only higher along my thigh. 'This is where I'm staying at the moment. I'll be ready at eight o'clock.'
'No choice?'
'None at all.' Her hand squeezed my thigh.
It seemed surreal. All the way home I could barely believe that I had met Lakshmi again after all these years. I had met her, spent time with her in a bar, told her that I had loved her, and agreed to meet her later.
And not one part of it seemed real.
Her hand on my leg, squeezing my thigh! Was that all in my imagination? Had that kiss been imagined also? I reached up and touched my cheek. There was a slight residue from her lipstick.
Running into her in the very office where I had finalized my divorce was bizarre. She was the last person I had expected to see there. All those years ago, when she had meant so much to me, affected me so deeply; I had wanted to tell her how much I loved her. I never could. Now, that she was back in my life, all the feelings I had managed to suppress in order to get over her, resurfaced as I drove home. I was feeling everything I felt back then, increased by the years of separation.
I realized, then, that I had never really gotten over her.
How else to explain the strength of how I felt for her?
By the time I came to a stop outside my apartment building, I realized I had left my wedding ring behind. I shrugged. Like I had told Lakshmi, there was no point in wearing it anymore. It's strange how things that meant so much can be so easily put aside. In the same fashion old feelings could resurface and grip you as strongly as they once did.
Inside the apartment, I went through to the bedroom I had once shared with my wife. Now, there was barely a reminder that she had been there. I opened the closet and knelt down in front of a small safe. I keyed in the combination, turned the handle and opened the door. Lying underneath some valuables was a file. I removed it, left the safe door open and went over to the bed and lay down, propping myself up on the pillows. Opening the file, I removed the stack of papers inside.
Lakshmi's letters.
I took one out at random and started to read.
'Dearest Raju,
'How are you? I just got you letter the other day and was pleased to hear from you again. I miss your words when you don't write. I miss you. Terribly Not a day goes by when I don't think about you and it warms my heart to know you feel the same way about me as I do you.
'I haven't been doing much. Being here means I am studying by way of a correspondence course. So, I get to stay at home all day. It doesn't mean I am studying the entire day. My willpower isn't that defined!! I study in the morning and then take a few hours off to enjoy myself. Dad works most of the day so what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
'The other day I was thinking about you. More than usual That was because I had a dream about you the night before. In my dream we were back in my bedroom in Ireland and you were caressing my breasts like you did that night, remember? And I was stroking your penis to erection. Earlier in the day I had been reading your letters and was longing to have you touch me. I suppose that's where the dream came from, my mind replaying that evening. I wish I were able to touch you now, feel your hard cock in my hand as I wank you.
'Remember that I said we had a maid? She was downstairs cleaning and I was in my room daydreaming about you. I could hear her as I unbuttoned my blouse and started to caress my breasts, squeezing them and playing with my nipples. Do you still remember the way they get hard so easily? I closed my eyes and imagined you were there, your hands on me, touching me softly, and then harder, before you started to suck on my nipples.my breast are getting bigger but nobody here to squeeze them.
'I get so easily aroused when I think of you, Raju. I don't know if you realize how much of an effect you have on me. You do. The day I see you again cannot come soon enough for me. The day you touch me, kiss me. The day we make love rather than my imagined scribbling will never come too soon.'
I paused and reread the last passage again. The signs were there. Had I missed them all those years ago? Or was I blinded by lust? She felt as strongly for me as I had for her. I failed in seeing it. Telling her then that I loved her…what would that have done to our relationship, such as it was? Her feelings were a mirror for my own, the clarity was amazing.
Or, maybe I had simply forgotten.
'Touching my breasts, thinking of you, is nice. I need more than that. I always need more than that. I opened my dress and started to stroke myself through my panties. They were, that day, black lace, tight around me. Lace feels so nice against my skin – not as nice as silk, though. Feeling myself so aroused I had to pull them aside and start touching myself, just the way I like to be touched. I wish, looking back now, I had allowed you to touch me as I sucked your cock. As memorable as that was, to have you touching me so intimately would have been too wonderful to describe. There is something about you that makes you different from everyone else I have met. I feel a stronger connection to you, does that make sense?
'I'm there at my desk, dreaming of you, my hands running over my body, my hand taking me to the verge of an orgasm, wishing I had worn stockings that day. My eyes were closed, my legs resting atop the desk. Hand on breasts, hand down below, the pleasure just searing through me. I can feel your hands on me, you on your knees and sucking my sex, eating me with the same hunger I have for you. My orgasm was intense, my body shaking and loud groans coming from my opened mouth.
'I opened my eyes and saw the maid standing in the doorway, shocked by what she had seen! I guess she wasn't expecting to see that! I didn't even try to rearrange my clothes – the damage was done. She had seen me in all my glory. And I was too turned on by thoughts of you to care.
'I even continued to touch myself while she stood there, still turned on to absolute distraction. That's what you do to me. Every letter intensifies those feelings, every word. I'm glad to have met you, to know you and feel for you the way that I do. I know this letter isn't as sexual as usual, I wanted to open up a bit more to you.'
I stopped again, returned to the start of the letter and read the date she had put on it. I remembered getting the letter a couple of weeks after she had written it. The only thing was, it was hard recalling if her words had affected me. It was like I was reading it for the first time. There was more to it than I had thought. What had I been thinking off, all those years past? Was I wiser now to realize that she was trying to tell me she was in love with me?
There was something else that stuck out. I reread a couple of passages and then set it aside. I chose another letter at random and read quickly through it and then did the same with three other letters. The manner in which she referred to her sex was never as explicit as the way she talked about mine. The last letter I had gotten from her was pretty much in the same vein.
I don't think she was being coy when she made references to herself. Knowing her like I did, that was far from the truth.
I think there was something different about her.
But I couldn't think on what it could be.
I was late in getting to her rented apartment because of the traffic through the city Centre.
'I was starting to think you had decided not to come,' she said, wrapping me in her arms and holding me tight. She wore a delicate, fragrant perfume that suited her. Seems a bit taller than I remember! She is now a full grown woman with full breast and heavy bottom.
'Traffic,' I told her.
'I'll just put my boots on,' she said, taking me by the hand and leading me through to the lounge, 'and then we'll go.' As she pulled each one on and then zipped up the sides, I could see her stocking tops and the white panties she wore.
'You look beautiful,' I told her.
'I'd better,' she replied. 'I've spent ages getting ready. Where are we going?'
'I thought we'd have dinner first and then go onto a club.'
'Sounds good,' she smiled, standing. Taking her coat, she walked back up to me and kissed me. Not on the cheek, though. Her soft lips pressed against mine, her tongue probing me gently.
I found myself kissing her back with a similar passion, reaching round and holding her waist, keeping her close to me, enjoying the feel of the swell of her breasts on my chest. It catapulted me back all those years when we had been kneeling on her bed.
'Nice car,' she said as we approached my BMW a few minutes later. 'The security business obviously does well.'
I opened the door for her and closed once she had gotten inside, smiling at her remark about chivalry. Her dress was cut low. I could see her breasts when she leant forward. Like I said, all my old feelings had returned.
'I was thinking about you earlier,' I told her as I drove back to the city Centre. 'I was reading your letters.'
'I still have yours, too,' she revealed.
I told her which ones.
'That was still in Singapore. I had almost forgotten about that maid; I can't even remember her name now. The look on her face was priceless!'
'I can imagine.'
'She never came back after that day,' she recalled. 'Dad had to get a new maid. He was even less pleased when we started dating.'
'You dated?'
'I had needs,' she replied. 'Serena was the first person who really understood me. I didn't care that she worked for my dad. We got on, enjoyed each other’s company and fell in love.'
'That must have been hard for him to accept?' I enquired.
Lakshmi shook her head. 'Not really. He's known for a long time how different I am. For a parent, he's very understanding.'
'Lucky you.'
'Yes,' she beamed, 'I am lucky.'
'And you still have your modesty,' I joked.
'Every single sliver of it,' she laughed with me.
I continued to drive through the city Centre, along the Quays, heading away from the city. It was only when we were driving past the entrance to Phoenix Park did she look over at me and asks where we were going. 'I seem to be in the city a lot – thought it would be nice to go elsewhere.'
'Where are we going exactly?'
'You'll see,' I promised her.
'You've developed a mysterious air,' she said.
'That could well be right.'
The remainder of the journey took another half-hour before I turned up a slip road, went around the roundabout and headed into the town of Maynooth. There was a restaurant in a hotel there that I had heard good reports about and wanted to try it out. The hotel also had a nightclub. And, overcome with desire, I had booked a room as well. Hopefully, it would not prove to be too presumptuous.
Lakshmi looked out her window as I drove into the car park and found a space near the entrance. 'Looks an ok place.'
'You should hear what guidebooks say about the town – not much to see as you pass through. That's about the gist of it.' I parked, turned off the engine, opened the door and stepped out into the cool air of the night. When she stood next to me, her arm snaking around my waist, I pressed the button to engage the cars' security before we made our way to the door.
'Evening, boss,' one of the doormen said as we passed him.
'Should we check your i.d?' his companion said.
'Do you know them?' she asked as we entered the reception area, passing by the desk and towards the stairs. The restaurant was on the first floor.
'I provide security here when the nightclub is on,' I admitted.
'Just remember,' she said. 'You're here with me and not because of your employees. Remember that.'
'I think you'll do that for the both of us,' I grinned.
'Damn right.'
In the restaurant, we were shown to our table, a booth as I had requested when I had reserved the table. We sat down opposite each other after our coats had been taken and opened the menus.
'This is nice,' Lakshmi said, looking around her. 'I love Sea food.'
'I was thinking Chinese before,' I said. 'This gives more choice. I hope it's all right for you.'
'It is.'
'Good. I have to use the bathroom,' I told her and stood up. Instead, I left the restaurant and returned downstairs and checked into the room I had reserved. Having been told where the room was located, I took the key from the tall, attractive, black-haired receptionist and returned to Lakshmi.
She nodded enthusiastically. 'Well, you got there in the end. How long has it been? Nine years?'
'Ten,' I corrected her.
'Hey Bhagwan (Oh God), ten years. That's a long time.'
'A very long time, you look good. The image change suits you; the black hair and the glasses.'
Lakshmi removed the glasses. 'They're just plain glass. I don't have a problem with my eyesight. The years have been kind to you as well.'
'Not that kind,' I grumbled in reply.
'Let me buy you a drink,' she offered. Without waiting for an answer she approached the receptionist and rearranged her meeting. 'It wasn't that important anyway,' she added for my benefit.
There was some themed pub around the corner from the solicitor's office and was quite full with a lunchtime rush when we entered. We managed to locate a table near the rear of the bar and sat down while she went to order some drinks, once she asked me what it was I drank those days.
'Thanks,' I smiled at her when she returned with a tray. There were a couple of pints and then separate shots of vodka.
She handed them out. 'For old times' sake.'
We clinked the glasses together and downed the cool vodka and set the glasses down with an audible thump.
'Damn it, Raju, I've missed you,' she said, reaching out and taking my hand. 'I didn't realize how much until I saw you in the solicitors.'
'I've missed you too.'
'I'm sorry we drifted apart.'
I shook my head. 'So am I. I loved your letters. They satiated a great need that I had at the time.'
'Is that all it took?' she laughed with good nature. 'A few letters? , Having said that, yours had me squirming with lust. You have a way with words, Raju.'
'Have you been in Singapore all these years?'
'No,' she shook her head. 'I spent a couple of years in the Philippines as well, at a strict convent school. That's why my letters began to slow down. The nuns weren't above opening the mail and reading it before it went out or they handed it out to the recipients. I had a lot of Hail Mary's to atone for my sins of the flesh.'
'Sounds like fun.'
'Only if you liked that sort of thing,' she replied. 'They didn't really like me to begin with, because of who I was.'
'A foreigner?'
'That as well,' she agreed. 'Mostly it was to do with my sexuality that I was quite fond of expressing as you are aware.'
'That must have shocked them.'
'Like you couldn't imagine.'
'So,' I said, raising my pint, 'is this a fleeting visit or are you staying around for a while?'
'I'm thinking of staying, More so now that I've run into you again.'
'So, you married or what?'
I looked at the ring on my finger. Slowly I took it off and laid it on the table between us. 'The divorce papers are signed. I guess I won't be needing that anymore.'
'Is that why you were there?' she asked. 'Raju, I'm sorry.'
I made a dismissive gesture. 'I've accepted it now. That part of my life is now closed. No need to be sorry. What were you doing there?'
'Looking for a job!'
'And you walked away to be with me?' I said, looking at her. 'Lakshmi, why did you not say?'
'Wasn't that interested in it anyway,' she replied. 'I'm more qualified than what they were looking for. I have some more interviews lined up so one lost one is not a worry.'
'If you're certain? I think I've come to know him quite well by now. If you change your mind I can always give him a call.'
'No. It's not important.'
'So, you're a law graduate?'
'That's right. I get to lie for a living,' she chuckled. 'What do you do?'
'I used to be a police officer,' I replied. 'Now, I run my own little security firm. There's more money in it, less hassle. I really grew tired of the racist taunts.'
'People can be hurtful,' she agreed. 'I know.'
'It was my colleagues,' I admitted.
Her face brightened into a smile. 'Hey, let's go out tonight. I think we could both do with some cheering up.'
'What's bothering you?' I asked her.
She shrugged. 'I need a good night out, that's all. I haven't been on the best of form since I split with my boyfriend.'
'You difficult to live with?' I asked.
'Sorry?' she replied, confusion on her face.
'Well, it has to be something,' I replied. 'I mean, what man would not feel pride to have such a beautiful woman as their girlfriend. I did when we were dating all those years ago.'
'Thank you,' she smiled. 'I'm actually very easy to live with.'
'So, why did you split up?'
'It really doesn't matter. There was just a part of me that he couldn't accept. I'm no longer angry about it. Still, I miss waking up next to a man, kissing him good morning.'
'His loss,' I commented.
'Are we going out, then?'
'Yes,' I nodded. 'You haven't changed at all. When you want something, you go for it. I always thought that made you even more attractive.'
'Are you coming on to me?' she asked playfully.
'I can't help wondering where we would have been now had you not left all those years ago.'
I nodded and took another drink from my glass. 'It's funny. For so long I thought about you every day, wondering how you were, what you were doing and whom you were with. The last part always got me insanely jealous even though, I knew, we were no longer going out. Then, I didn't think about you so much. Now, all those feelings I had for you are right back with me, as strong as they ever were.'
'I used to wonder what it would have been like as well,' she replied. 'All those years ago, I was the kind of person who went out for a lot of fun. I never really knew where I would be next or how long I would be in one place. But, Raju, you got through to me. You're the only guy I knew, back then that I wrote to.'
'I loved you,' I told her, blurting it out without thinking about it.
Lakshmi put her glass down and fixed her eyes on me. For several, long moments she didn't speak and I started to think that I should have thought more on what I was saying before I actually said it. That was one of my failings.
'You never said,' she replied, her voice quieter. 'All those months we wrote, you never told me how you felt.'
'I didn't think it would have done any good.'
'I suppose not,' she conceded.
'I'd better go,' I said then, getting to my feet.
'You think I'm upset by this?' she asked, looking up at me. She shook her head, strands of hair falling across her eyes, which she brushed away. 'Sit down and finish your drink. I'm not upset.'
Another shake of her head. 'No.'
I resumed my seat. 'I shouldn't have just come out with that.'
'After all we shared together?' she asked. 'Back then, that was the one thing I really wanted you to say to me. I knew it would have been difficult, being separated by such a huge distance. All those letters, many of them turning me on like you could not imagine all those revelations and confidences. If you had told me that you loved me, it would have been the best words you could have written.'
'I wanted to.'
'Then you should have.'
'I didn't know how you'd react.'
Lakshmi pulled her chair closer to mine. She placed her hand over mine as she kissed me on the cheek. 'Now, you do.'
'I do.'
'Right,' she said, letting her hand drop to rest on my leg. 'Where are you taking me this evening?'
'Can we have a rain check?'
'No,' she replied defiantly, 'we cannot. You need this. We both do.' She took her hand away long enough to remove a card from her bag and give it to me. Then her hand returned to my leg, only higher along my thigh. 'This is where I'm staying at the moment. I'll be ready at eight o'clock.'
'No choice?'
'None at all.' Her hand squeezed my thigh.
It seemed surreal. All the way home I could barely believe that I had met Lakshmi again after all these years. I had met her, spent time with her in a bar, told her that I had loved her, and agreed to meet her later.
And not one part of it seemed real.
Her hand on my leg, squeezing my thigh! Was that all in my imagination? Had that kiss been imagined also? I reached up and touched my cheek. There was a slight residue from her lipstick.
Running into her in the very office where I had finalized my divorce was bizarre. She was the last person I had expected to see there. All those years ago, when she had meant so much to me, affected me so deeply; I had wanted to tell her how much I loved her. I never could. Now, that she was back in my life, all the feelings I had managed to suppress in order to get over her, resurfaced as I drove home. I was feeling everything I felt back then, increased by the years of separation.
I realized, then, that I had never really gotten over her.
How else to explain the strength of how I felt for her?
By the time I came to a stop outside my apartment building, I realized I had left my wedding ring behind. I shrugged. Like I had told Lakshmi, there was no point in wearing it anymore. It's strange how things that meant so much can be so easily put aside. In the same fashion old feelings could resurface and grip you as strongly as they once did.
Inside the apartment, I went through to the bedroom I had once shared with my wife. Now, there was barely a reminder that she had been there. I opened the closet and knelt down in front of a small safe. I keyed in the combination, turned the handle and opened the door. Lying underneath some valuables was a file. I removed it, left the safe door open and went over to the bed and lay down, propping myself up on the pillows. Opening the file, I removed the stack of papers inside.
Lakshmi's letters.
I took one out at random and started to read.
'Dearest Raju,
'How are you? I just got you letter the other day and was pleased to hear from you again. I miss your words when you don't write. I miss you. Terribly Not a day goes by when I don't think about you and it warms my heart to know you feel the same way about me as I do you.
'I haven't been doing much. Being here means I am studying by way of a correspondence course. So, I get to stay at home all day. It doesn't mean I am studying the entire day. My willpower isn't that defined!! I study in the morning and then take a few hours off to enjoy myself. Dad works most of the day so what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
'The other day I was thinking about you. More than usual That was because I had a dream about you the night before. In my dream we were back in my bedroom in Ireland and you were caressing my breasts like you did that night, remember? And I was stroking your penis to erection. Earlier in the day I had been reading your letters and was longing to have you touch me. I suppose that's where the dream came from, my mind replaying that evening. I wish I were able to touch you now, feel your hard cock in my hand as I wank you.
'Remember that I said we had a maid? She was downstairs cleaning and I was in my room daydreaming about you. I could hear her as I unbuttoned my blouse and started to caress my breasts, squeezing them and playing with my nipples. Do you still remember the way they get hard so easily? I closed my eyes and imagined you were there, your hands on me, touching me softly, and then harder, before you started to suck on my nipples.my breast are getting bigger but nobody here to squeeze them.
'I get so easily aroused when I think of you, Raju. I don't know if you realize how much of an effect you have on me. You do. The day I see you again cannot come soon enough for me. The day you touch me, kiss me. The day we make love rather than my imagined scribbling will never come too soon.'
I paused and reread the last passage again. The signs were there. Had I missed them all those years ago? Or was I blinded by lust? She felt as strongly for me as I had for her. I failed in seeing it. Telling her then that I loved her…what would that have done to our relationship, such as it was? Her feelings were a mirror for my own, the clarity was amazing.
Or, maybe I had simply forgotten.
'Touching my breasts, thinking of you, is nice. I need more than that. I always need more than that. I opened my dress and started to stroke myself through my panties. They were, that day, black lace, tight around me. Lace feels so nice against my skin – not as nice as silk, though. Feeling myself so aroused I had to pull them aside and start touching myself, just the way I like to be touched. I wish, looking back now, I had allowed you to touch me as I sucked your cock. As memorable as that was, to have you touching me so intimately would have been too wonderful to describe. There is something about you that makes you different from everyone else I have met. I feel a stronger connection to you, does that make sense?
'I'm there at my desk, dreaming of you, my hands running over my body, my hand taking me to the verge of an orgasm, wishing I had worn stockings that day. My eyes were closed, my legs resting atop the desk. Hand on breasts, hand down below, the pleasure just searing through me. I can feel your hands on me, you on your knees and sucking my sex, eating me with the same hunger I have for you. My orgasm was intense, my body shaking and loud groans coming from my opened mouth.
'I opened my eyes and saw the maid standing in the doorway, shocked by what she had seen! I guess she wasn't expecting to see that! I didn't even try to rearrange my clothes – the damage was done. She had seen me in all my glory. And I was too turned on by thoughts of you to care.
'I even continued to touch myself while she stood there, still turned on to absolute distraction. That's what you do to me. Every letter intensifies those feelings, every word. I'm glad to have met you, to know you and feel for you the way that I do. I know this letter isn't as sexual as usual, I wanted to open up a bit more to you.'
I stopped again, returned to the start of the letter and read the date she had put on it. I remembered getting the letter a couple of weeks after she had written it. The only thing was, it was hard recalling if her words had affected me. It was like I was reading it for the first time. There was more to it than I had thought. What had I been thinking off, all those years past? Was I wiser now to realize that she was trying to tell me she was in love with me?
There was something else that stuck out. I reread a couple of passages and then set it aside. I chose another letter at random and read quickly through it and then did the same with three other letters. The manner in which she referred to her sex was never as explicit as the way she talked about mine. The last letter I had gotten from her was pretty much in the same vein.
I don't think she was being coy when she made references to herself. Knowing her like I did, that was far from the truth.
I think there was something different about her.
But I couldn't think on what it could be.
I was late in getting to her rented apartment because of the traffic through the city Centre.
'I was starting to think you had decided not to come,' she said, wrapping me in her arms and holding me tight. She wore a delicate, fragrant perfume that suited her. Seems a bit taller than I remember! She is now a full grown woman with full breast and heavy bottom.
'Traffic,' I told her.
'I'll just put my boots on,' she said, taking me by the hand and leading me through to the lounge, 'and then we'll go.' As she pulled each one on and then zipped up the sides, I could see her stocking tops and the white panties she wore.
'You look beautiful,' I told her.
'I'd better,' she replied. 'I've spent ages getting ready. Where are we going?'
'I thought we'd have dinner first and then go onto a club.'
'Sounds good,' she smiled, standing. Taking her coat, she walked back up to me and kissed me. Not on the cheek, though. Her soft lips pressed against mine, her tongue probing me gently.
I found myself kissing her back with a similar passion, reaching round and holding her waist, keeping her close to me, enjoying the feel of the swell of her breasts on my chest. It catapulted me back all those years when we had been kneeling on her bed.
'Nice car,' she said as we approached my BMW a few minutes later. 'The security business obviously does well.'
I opened the door for her and closed once she had gotten inside, smiling at her remark about chivalry. Her dress was cut low. I could see her breasts when she leant forward. Like I said, all my old feelings had returned.
'I was thinking about you earlier,' I told her as I drove back to the city Centre. 'I was reading your letters.'
'I still have yours, too,' she revealed.
I told her which ones.
'That was still in Singapore. I had almost forgotten about that maid; I can't even remember her name now. The look on her face was priceless!'
'I can imagine.'
'She never came back after that day,' she recalled. 'Dad had to get a new maid. He was even less pleased when we started dating.'
'You dated?'
'I had needs,' she replied. 'Serena was the first person who really understood me. I didn't care that she worked for my dad. We got on, enjoyed each other’s company and fell in love.'
'That must have been hard for him to accept?' I enquired.
Lakshmi shook her head. 'Not really. He's known for a long time how different I am. For a parent, he's very understanding.'
'Lucky you.'
'Yes,' she beamed, 'I am lucky.'
'And you still have your modesty,' I joked.
'Every single sliver of it,' she laughed with me.
I continued to drive through the city Centre, along the Quays, heading away from the city. It was only when we were driving past the entrance to Phoenix Park did she look over at me and asks where we were going. 'I seem to be in the city a lot – thought it would be nice to go elsewhere.'
'Where are we going exactly?'
'You'll see,' I promised her.
'You've developed a mysterious air,' she said.
'That could well be right.'
The remainder of the journey took another half-hour before I turned up a slip road, went around the roundabout and headed into the town of Maynooth. There was a restaurant in a hotel there that I had heard good reports about and wanted to try it out. The hotel also had a nightclub. And, overcome with desire, I had booked a room as well. Hopefully, it would not prove to be too presumptuous.
Lakshmi looked out her window as I drove into the car park and found a space near the entrance. 'Looks an ok place.'
'You should hear what guidebooks say about the town – not much to see as you pass through. That's about the gist of it.' I parked, turned off the engine, opened the door and stepped out into the cool air of the night. When she stood next to me, her arm snaking around my waist, I pressed the button to engage the cars' security before we made our way to the door.
'Evening, boss,' one of the doormen said as we passed him.
'Should we check your i.d?' his companion said.
'Do you know them?' she asked as we entered the reception area, passing by the desk and towards the stairs. The restaurant was on the first floor.
'I provide security here when the nightclub is on,' I admitted.
'Just remember,' she said. 'You're here with me and not because of your employees. Remember that.'
'I think you'll do that for the both of us,' I grinned.
'Damn right.'
In the restaurant, we were shown to our table, a booth as I had requested when I had reserved the table. We sat down opposite each other after our coats had been taken and opened the menus.
'This is nice,' Lakshmi said, looking around her. 'I love Sea food.'
'I was thinking Chinese before,' I said. 'This gives more choice. I hope it's all right for you.'
'It is.'
'Good. I have to use the bathroom,' I told her and stood up. Instead, I left the restaurant and returned downstairs and checked into the room I had reserved. Having been told where the room was located, I took the key from the tall, attractive, black-haired receptionist and returned to Lakshmi.
Part 3
flatter yourself,' she said.
I looked at her, dumbfounded.
'You've been gone a while,' she explained as I sat down. 'As far as I can remember, you never took that long before. You'd better not have been working.'
'I wasn't,' I assured her, feeling the room key in my trouser pocket. 'I promise.'
'You'd better not have been,' she warned me.
'Why? Would you spank me?'
She smiled broadly. 'I did have quite the imagination in my letters, didn't I?' She leaned closer. 'Have you ever been spanked?'
'You haven't lived, darling, not at all,' she replied, her eyes twinkling with mischievousness.
'Have you?'
'Of course,' she said. 'One of the nuns in the Philippines was the first to spank me. She caught me playing with myself when I should have been at Morning Prayer. It turned me on more than anything else.'
I couldn't think of anything to say.
Lakshmi laughed. 'That always stuns people into silence. Especially when I add that I nearly came on her knee, so turned on I was by her hand smacking my naked bottom.'
'I'm not stunned.'
'Have you seen your face?' she quizzed.
'Ok,' I said, 'I'm stunned. Who wouldn't be?'
We ordered our meal and starting chatting over the first bottle of wine the waitress brought over. We talked about what we had done since we had last seen each other, since we had last heard from the other. There was a lot to talk about. The meal was everything I had been told it would be. Sharing the combo platter, it consisted of a huge plate with chicken sate, prawn and salmon cakes, spring rolls and other appetizers arranged on it, dips in the centre. For the main course I had opted for the Atlantic Cod baked in a banana leaf while Lakshmi went for the seafood tempura, a selection of deep fried fish in batter. Everything was cooked to perfection and the wine, a Madfish Sauvignon Blanc Semillon, complemented it.
'I hope,' she said, when the third bottle arrived, 'that you're not even contemplating driving us back to Dublin?'
'No,' I assured her.
'I'm a good boy,' I cheekily said.
I felt her foot against my leg. She poured more wine for us both, leaning closer to get to my glass. 'I'd prefer it if you were a bit bad. A whole lot more.'
She shrugged.
'I reached into my pocket and removed the room key and laid it on the table. 'Is this bad enough for you?'
'Laxmi,' I said, using a name I hadn't in years, 'I want to spend the night with you, like I wanted to all those years ago. I've been thinking all day, how wrong or right it would be to suggest such a thing. All I know is what I feel. Since we met all I can think off is how you make me feel. I never realized all the feelings were still there.'
'You feel that way too?'
I nodded.
'I'm glad you have a room here,' she smiled sweetly. 'When I was at my apartment all I could think about was that night we had together. What there was of it before my dad came home! I never saw you after that. That was unfortunate. Anyway, I was thinking. Thinking of how wonderful it would be to take that night to its' natural conclusion.'
'Would we have gone further?' I asked.
'That's an academic point,' she said, sticking her chopsticks into her dinner and lifting a piece of fish. 'Does it matter? I don't think it does. Tonight is totally different from back then. We're older, wiser and, it appears, realizing there is still a love between us that hasn't faded from all these years of being apart.'
'You know how I thought of you?' I asked. 'You were my legendary girlfriend. The one all others were compared with.'
'That's quite a compliment,' she smiled, putting the fish into her mouth. When she had finished chewing and swallowing she added, 'I hope I can live up to the expectations you have of me.'
'I have no expectations,' I told her.
'That's good,' she replied. 'I wouldn't want to disappoint.'
'There's something else I realized earlier on as well,' I continued. 'You were in love with me back then. For some reason I couldn't see it then. Maybe I was too concerned with all the lustful thoughts I had to see what you were trying to tell me.'
'You got there in the end,' she nodded. 'I was in love with you, you're right there. You were the first guy I loved.'
'And now?'
'Like you said, the old feelings are there.'
'Lax,' I said, taking a deep breath. 'I do love you.'
'I've always loved you,' she confessed. 'It was only when I had left did I realize it. And I couldn't do anything about it by then. That hurt me. I had all these feelings for you and I couldn't tell you. What could we have done about it?'
'Nothing, then,' I replied.
'We're here now,' she added. 'We can express ourselves now. Forget about the past and all it did to keep us apart.'
'Yes,' I said, raising my glass. 'We're together now.'
She raised her glass and we clinked them together. 'I've missed you.'
'Is it just me,' I began, 'or do you feel like all the years that have gone by don't mean a thing now?'
'I wouldn't be as strong as that,' she said. 'They meant something at the time; they defined us. We're just feeling everything so acutely, that's all.'
'Maybe you're right,' I accepted.
'But, I can see your point,' she said.
We finished our meal with dessert and coffee. I glanced at my watch. 'Would you like to have a drink in the bar before going to the club?'
'The club won't be busy right now,' I told her.
'I want to see the bedroom,' she smiled. 'I'd rather go there.'
We held hands as we walked along the long corridor leading to where the bedrooms were located. Entering into another lobby we were greeted with a large gathering of people; all the men in tuxedos and the women in elegant cocktail dresses. Some kind of dinner was obviously taking place. We cut a path through a group of people and called the elevator and stepped inside as soon as the doors had opened.
'Are you ready for this?' she asked me when the doors closed.
'I've waited a long time for this night,' I replied.
'I might not be what you're expecting, that's all,' she said softly.
I kissed her on the lips. 'You're not meant to be nervous. I should be. You're my legendary girlfriend – I should be having all the weird thoughts about living up to expectation.'
'It's not that…'she began.
'Relax,' I smiled.
We stopped outside the bedroom door and I took the key card from my pocket, inserted into the slot and removed it again. The green light came on, a more prophetic symbol than normal. I opened the door, stepped in and turned on the lights and then took Lakshmi by the hand and pulled her towards me. We moved past the open bathroom door and into the main body of the bedroom. For all the months I had provided security for the hotel I had never been in any of the rooms. It was quite elegant for its' rating; a large, comfortable room with a large bed, a round table with two chairs, a television with a video recorder, free standing lamps. All the furniture was dark in color, the walls brighter but in keeping with it. A large, gilded framed mirror on one wall. Prints on the others.
'This is nice,' she commented.
I removed my jacket and hung it up in the wardrobe. 'I feel like some more wine. How about you?'
'That would be good.'
As I moved to the telephone, I felt she looked a little nervous about being in the bedroom with me. Actually, more than a little on edge, She stood near the television, her hands clasped together as she looked around her. I frowned, wondering if there was something bothering her about this. I put the receiver down without having dialed the number of the restaurant.
'Lax,' I said, 'what's wrong?'
She looked at me. 'Nothing.' Her smile was less than convincing.
I went over to her and took both her hands in mine and led her over to the bed. I sat down on the edge and kept her standing before me. 'I don't believe you. I used to be a police officer; I can tell when people say one thing and mean another. Would you rather we not do this?'
Lakshmi shook her head. 'I want to,' she answered. 'I do. All the feelings are there, all the desires.'
'What's the problem, then?'
'What if I'm not what you were wanting all those years ago?' she asked.
'I don't know what you mean.'
She shrugged her shoulders. 'That's what I'm afraid of,' she replied, taking away her hands. She went over to the table and sat down, stretching out her legs. 'Do you really feel that you know me?'
'I believe so, yes,' I answered her.
'Before I even met you…' she began.
I cut her off. 'Kat, we all have a past. Whom you dated and where does not have any relevance on how I feel about you. And the women I dated have the same relevance here. This is about you and me and how we feel for each other. I'm going to order that wine and we'll have a talk while we wait.'
'Get more than one bottle.'
'You trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?' I asked as I returned to the telephone. I ordered three bottles.
I sat down opposite her. Her agitation seemed even more acute now. 'Please, don't take this the wrong way. If you're having second thoughts on us spending the night together, why did you ask to come up here?'
'Because I wanted to,' she answered. 'I still do.'
'I don't see where all this anxiety is coming from.'
'Look at me and tell me what you see.'
I looked at her, confused by what she was saying. But, I did it anyway. I looked at her and told her everything I saw and felt.
'What if I'm not all that?' she asked.
'Ok,' I replied. 'Time to tell me what you're thinking. There's definitely something going on inside your head.'
There was a knock on the door.
'Damn,' I said, getting up from the chair. 'Maybe a glass of wine will help you to tell me. When I get back, you're going to tell me what that something is.'
Lakshmi nodded.
Through the security hole in the door I saw the waiter standing there holding a tray with our order balanced on it. I opened the door, stepped out of his way and allowed him to place them on the table. He opened all three bottles in the ice bucket, replaced the corks into two of the bottles and then poured from the third. I closed the door once I had signed the docket he presented.
'Now,' I said, retaking my seat and reaching for a glass. 'It is time to tell me what is going on.'
'I'm not the woman you think I am,' she said, seeming to choose her words very carefully. 'I'm not like any woman you've ever known before.'
'That's true.'
There was a brief smile but it vanished quickly. 'I don't quite know the best way to tell you what, I think, I need to tell you.'
I got up and went behind her. I kissed the top of her head and placed my hands on her shoulders, feeling the tension evident in her muscles. 'Just try to relax and say the words. It can't be that bad.'
'It could be,' she added.
'I can handle it,' I said to her. 'Are you married?'
That provoked a laugh. 'If only it were that simple,' she said. 'The truth is a little more intense than that.'
I kissed her again. 'Tell me.'
'I'm a hermaphrodite,' she said softly.
I stared at the top of her head, unsure of what I heard was what she actually said. My silence continued for several moments before she inclined her head and looked at me.
'Did you hear me?' she asked.
I looked at the collection of wine bottles. 'I did but I think the wine must be affecting me more than it normally does. I heard hermaphrodite.'
'That's what I am,' she confirmed.
'Are you serious?' I asked her, stunned by it. It was all I could think of to say.
Lakshmi stood up slowly and turned to face me. 'I was born with the wrong number of sex chromosomes,' she said. 'For years my parents thought I was one sex and then the changes became apparent. Tests revealed what I was.'
'A hermaphrodite?'
'But not a true one. That is rare. I have the male sex organs whereas the remainder of me has all the appearance of a female. It was difficult to accept but it's who I am, Raju. I can't change that. I tried to tell you before, years ago. I wasn't good with words. I still find it difficult to explain.'
'You are being serious, aren't you?' I asked, incredulous.
Lakshmi nodded. 'Very much so, Fuck! I shouldn't have let us get to this stage without telling you. I'd better leave.'
I reached out and stopped her. 'No, don't leave.'
'I can't stay. Look at your face, Raju. It's not just surprise that's there. I know. I've been dealing with reactions like this all my adult life. I hoped that…I don't know what the fuck I hoped.'
'Stay,' I said.
I stepped up to her, held her face as I kissed her, long and passionately. When I drew away she looked at me with a mixture of confusion and surprise. I was feeling the same thing. 'I'm shocked, yes. I'd be lying to you if I weren't. At the same time, I love you all the more for what you've told me.'
'You do?'
'Yes. Do you want to know another reason why my marriage failed? I had an affair once. I provided security to a bar in Dublin and fell for one of the bartenders. A transsexual. I still, to this day, fantasize about her.'
'You're only saying that.'
I shook my head. 'I'm not. If I were really disgusted by what you just told me, would I still be here? Talking to you? I don't think so and neither do you. And there's one other thing you should know about me.'
I set my glass of wine down on the table. I unbuckled my belt, pulled down the zipper and allowed my trousers to fall to the floor. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw my shaved legs, the white stockings I wore, attached to a suspender belt. A pair of white panties with a lace front covered my erect penis.
'Do you believe me now?' I asked.
'They look good on you,' she said, her face brightening into a smile. Lakshmi began to relax and regain her composure. 'Take off your shirt.'
I undressed for her and, as she added, left only the panties and stockings as I sat down again. Ever since my wife had left, I had gotten into the habit of wearing them every day. The transsexual had introduced me to these pleasures. We talked more about what we had revealed to the other. I found myself more attracted to her than ever before and she, she revealed, felt the same. There were signs, I recalled, of her trying to tell me in her letters and the way she had spoken about the nuns in the Philippines. I wasn't smart enough, then, to have picked up on them. Now, I could see them plainly. 'Show me,' I told her.
Lakshmi stood up from the chair and walked around to stand a few paces away from me. I watched her remove her dress and throw it aside. Underneath, she wore a patterned bra, her breasts inviting behind them. My eyes travelled her stocking-clad legs to the white panties she wore. This was the most undressed I had ever seen her and I could see the bulge that was growing behind them. Her hands gripped the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. Her cock was semi-hard, twitching as it was freed. I smiled with lust as I saw her take hold of herself and start to stroke herself to full erection. In the end, her cock was long and thick, coated in a thick black covering of hair at the base whereas mine, these days, was shaved bare.
'Well?' she asked.
'I'm impressed this is quite big like your breasts,' I replied. 'Of all the things I could have thought about you, I never came to this conclusion.'
'I thought I would have made a fool of myself,' she admitted.
'Will you stay the night, then?'
'Of course.'
I stood up then and went over to her. We kissed with an explosion of passion that we hadn't before. The revelations had affected us both deeply, took ourselves to a whole different level of arousal. An arousal which screamed from every pore of our bodies and carried the other further on its' waves. I unclipped her bra and exposed her heavy breasts, with their erect nipples. I kissed each breast, sucking on her nipples, caressing the firm flesh, feeling the hot, hard cock pressed against my panties, rubbing against my own, similarly hard but smaller cock. Moans of pleasure came from her mouth and her hands reached for my panties, struggling to push them down in her eagerness.
“As lovely as I remember. I don’t know why but it always made me happy while remembering you that you have a small penis than mine” she gasped as her hand wrapped itself around my cock, stroking my engorged shaft. I shuddered at her touch, moaned into her breasts and felt warmth I barely recognized.
Now, I reached for her cock and felt it.
'Suck me,' she whispered in a husky voice, fraught with lust.
I simply got down on my knees and examined her monster cock, stroking her and caressing her hairy balls. Holding her at the base, I have to wide open my mouth and pushed her inside. I sucked her deep, all the way to the back of my throat, enjoying every lucid, decadent sensation as she filled me. Lakshmi was hot inside my mouth, my tongue licking up and down and around. What I could not put inside, I stroked. Lakshmi held my head, stroking my hair as I sucked her deeper and harder, teasing her towards an inevitable orgasm. I wanted to taste her, feel her as I drank her come. Above me there was an incessant moan of pleasure. It appeared to be one, long moan but really it was a series of little moans, so close to each other as to give such an impression.
Her sex was divine. Knowing the woman she truly was took me to heights of pleasure that were almost dizzying. There was a sudden thrust of her cock deeper into my mouth; a garbled exclamation and then I felt a spurt of hot come strike the back of my throat. It was difficult to keep her inside me as I fought to drink every last drop of her semen, every last tasty drop. I sucked every remnant from her, leaning back and licking the tip of her large, bulging head before sliding it back in and holding her there as I stroked her legs and balls. I could still taste her in my mouth, so rewarding and full of sexual pleasure.
'You are amazing,' she said from above. 'I had often wondered…it was better than that!'
I looked up at her. 'Thank you.'
That provoked a burst of laughter from her as she helped me to my feet and then pulled me over to the bed. We fell down on it, our limbs entwined as we kissed, Lakshmi climbing atop me and pinning me down, taking my hands and putting them on her breasts. She was really a big bone woman.' You have a good body,' I said. 'You must work out a lot.'
'Now and again,' she replied, caressing my Chest & nipples like the transsexual used to do with me. 'I have my own work-out room at the apartment.'
'Fuck me, Lakshmi,' I said.
With a forceful thrust, she pushed at me and I tumbled back onto the bed. She was on my knees straight away, reaching out for me and turning over. She admired my taut buttocks shaved smooth legs and caressed them, leaning down to kiss me. With her face pressed against mine, she spread my cheeks and rubbed the tip of a finger over my smooth anus. She tensed, at first, and then shivered as I teased her. I was so eager to have her. After all the years that had separated us. Wetting her finger with my saliva, She pushed against my anus and then her finger was sliding inside, lubricating my tight, velvety entrance. She moaned, as did I, feeling her inside me.
Shuffling closer, she removed her finger and pressed the head of my cock against her, nudging further. She was grinning with the size difference of her big thick cock with my average size. I felt some resistance at first, and then she gently began to push into me. I parted my legs further with a sigh and she pressed on, watching as her erection vanished inside me. Her moans increased, becoming more guttural the further she entered me, tight around my small anal opening. As I could feel every inch of her inside me, it was a heady sensation.
I looked at her, dumbfounded.
'You've been gone a while,' she explained as I sat down. 'As far as I can remember, you never took that long before. You'd better not have been working.'
'I wasn't,' I assured her, feeling the room key in my trouser pocket. 'I promise.'
'You'd better not have been,' she warned me.
'Why? Would you spank me?'
She smiled broadly. 'I did have quite the imagination in my letters, didn't I?' She leaned closer. 'Have you ever been spanked?'
'You haven't lived, darling, not at all,' she replied, her eyes twinkling with mischievousness.
'Have you?'
'Of course,' she said. 'One of the nuns in the Philippines was the first to spank me. She caught me playing with myself when I should have been at Morning Prayer. It turned me on more than anything else.'
I couldn't think of anything to say.
Lakshmi laughed. 'That always stuns people into silence. Especially when I add that I nearly came on her knee, so turned on I was by her hand smacking my naked bottom.'
'I'm not stunned.'
'Have you seen your face?' she quizzed.
'Ok,' I said, 'I'm stunned. Who wouldn't be?'
We ordered our meal and starting chatting over the first bottle of wine the waitress brought over. We talked about what we had done since we had last seen each other, since we had last heard from the other. There was a lot to talk about. The meal was everything I had been told it would be. Sharing the combo platter, it consisted of a huge plate with chicken sate, prawn and salmon cakes, spring rolls and other appetizers arranged on it, dips in the centre. For the main course I had opted for the Atlantic Cod baked in a banana leaf while Lakshmi went for the seafood tempura, a selection of deep fried fish in batter. Everything was cooked to perfection and the wine, a Madfish Sauvignon Blanc Semillon, complemented it.
'I hope,' she said, when the third bottle arrived, 'that you're not even contemplating driving us back to Dublin?'
'No,' I assured her.
'I'm a good boy,' I cheekily said.
I felt her foot against my leg. She poured more wine for us both, leaning closer to get to my glass. 'I'd prefer it if you were a bit bad. A whole lot more.'
She shrugged.
'I reached into my pocket and removed the room key and laid it on the table. 'Is this bad enough for you?'
'Laxmi,' I said, using a name I hadn't in years, 'I want to spend the night with you, like I wanted to all those years ago. I've been thinking all day, how wrong or right it would be to suggest such a thing. All I know is what I feel. Since we met all I can think off is how you make me feel. I never realized all the feelings were still there.'
'You feel that way too?'
I nodded.
'I'm glad you have a room here,' she smiled sweetly. 'When I was at my apartment all I could think about was that night we had together. What there was of it before my dad came home! I never saw you after that. That was unfortunate. Anyway, I was thinking. Thinking of how wonderful it would be to take that night to its' natural conclusion.'
'Would we have gone further?' I asked.
'That's an academic point,' she said, sticking her chopsticks into her dinner and lifting a piece of fish. 'Does it matter? I don't think it does. Tonight is totally different from back then. We're older, wiser and, it appears, realizing there is still a love between us that hasn't faded from all these years of being apart.'
'You know how I thought of you?' I asked. 'You were my legendary girlfriend. The one all others were compared with.'
'That's quite a compliment,' she smiled, putting the fish into her mouth. When she had finished chewing and swallowing she added, 'I hope I can live up to the expectations you have of me.'
'I have no expectations,' I told her.
'That's good,' she replied. 'I wouldn't want to disappoint.'
'There's something else I realized earlier on as well,' I continued. 'You were in love with me back then. For some reason I couldn't see it then. Maybe I was too concerned with all the lustful thoughts I had to see what you were trying to tell me.'
'You got there in the end,' she nodded. 'I was in love with you, you're right there. You were the first guy I loved.'
'And now?'
'Like you said, the old feelings are there.'
'Lax,' I said, taking a deep breath. 'I do love you.'
'I've always loved you,' she confessed. 'It was only when I had left did I realize it. And I couldn't do anything about it by then. That hurt me. I had all these feelings for you and I couldn't tell you. What could we have done about it?'
'Nothing, then,' I replied.
'We're here now,' she added. 'We can express ourselves now. Forget about the past and all it did to keep us apart.'
'Yes,' I said, raising my glass. 'We're together now.'
She raised her glass and we clinked them together. 'I've missed you.'
'Is it just me,' I began, 'or do you feel like all the years that have gone by don't mean a thing now?'
'I wouldn't be as strong as that,' she said. 'They meant something at the time; they defined us. We're just feeling everything so acutely, that's all.'
'Maybe you're right,' I accepted.
'But, I can see your point,' she said.
We finished our meal with dessert and coffee. I glanced at my watch. 'Would you like to have a drink in the bar before going to the club?'
'The club won't be busy right now,' I told her.
'I want to see the bedroom,' she smiled. 'I'd rather go there.'
We held hands as we walked along the long corridor leading to where the bedrooms were located. Entering into another lobby we were greeted with a large gathering of people; all the men in tuxedos and the women in elegant cocktail dresses. Some kind of dinner was obviously taking place. We cut a path through a group of people and called the elevator and stepped inside as soon as the doors had opened.
'Are you ready for this?' she asked me when the doors closed.
'I've waited a long time for this night,' I replied.
'I might not be what you're expecting, that's all,' she said softly.
I kissed her on the lips. 'You're not meant to be nervous. I should be. You're my legendary girlfriend – I should be having all the weird thoughts about living up to expectation.'
'It's not that…'she began.
'Relax,' I smiled.
We stopped outside the bedroom door and I took the key card from my pocket, inserted into the slot and removed it again. The green light came on, a more prophetic symbol than normal. I opened the door, stepped in and turned on the lights and then took Lakshmi by the hand and pulled her towards me. We moved past the open bathroom door and into the main body of the bedroom. For all the months I had provided security for the hotel I had never been in any of the rooms. It was quite elegant for its' rating; a large, comfortable room with a large bed, a round table with two chairs, a television with a video recorder, free standing lamps. All the furniture was dark in color, the walls brighter but in keeping with it. A large, gilded framed mirror on one wall. Prints on the others.
'This is nice,' she commented.
I removed my jacket and hung it up in the wardrobe. 'I feel like some more wine. How about you?'
'That would be good.'
As I moved to the telephone, I felt she looked a little nervous about being in the bedroom with me. Actually, more than a little on edge, She stood near the television, her hands clasped together as she looked around her. I frowned, wondering if there was something bothering her about this. I put the receiver down without having dialed the number of the restaurant.
'Lax,' I said, 'what's wrong?'
She looked at me. 'Nothing.' Her smile was less than convincing.
I went over to her and took both her hands in mine and led her over to the bed. I sat down on the edge and kept her standing before me. 'I don't believe you. I used to be a police officer; I can tell when people say one thing and mean another. Would you rather we not do this?'
Lakshmi shook her head. 'I want to,' she answered. 'I do. All the feelings are there, all the desires.'
'What's the problem, then?'
'What if I'm not what you were wanting all those years ago?' she asked.
'I don't know what you mean.'
She shrugged her shoulders. 'That's what I'm afraid of,' she replied, taking away her hands. She went over to the table and sat down, stretching out her legs. 'Do you really feel that you know me?'
'I believe so, yes,' I answered her.
'Before I even met you…' she began.
I cut her off. 'Kat, we all have a past. Whom you dated and where does not have any relevance on how I feel about you. And the women I dated have the same relevance here. This is about you and me and how we feel for each other. I'm going to order that wine and we'll have a talk while we wait.'
'Get more than one bottle.'
'You trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?' I asked as I returned to the telephone. I ordered three bottles.
I sat down opposite her. Her agitation seemed even more acute now. 'Please, don't take this the wrong way. If you're having second thoughts on us spending the night together, why did you ask to come up here?'
'Because I wanted to,' she answered. 'I still do.'
'I don't see where all this anxiety is coming from.'
'Look at me and tell me what you see.'
I looked at her, confused by what she was saying. But, I did it anyway. I looked at her and told her everything I saw and felt.
'What if I'm not all that?' she asked.
'Ok,' I replied. 'Time to tell me what you're thinking. There's definitely something going on inside your head.'
There was a knock on the door.
'Damn,' I said, getting up from the chair. 'Maybe a glass of wine will help you to tell me. When I get back, you're going to tell me what that something is.'
Lakshmi nodded.
Through the security hole in the door I saw the waiter standing there holding a tray with our order balanced on it. I opened the door, stepped out of his way and allowed him to place them on the table. He opened all three bottles in the ice bucket, replaced the corks into two of the bottles and then poured from the third. I closed the door once I had signed the docket he presented.
'Now,' I said, retaking my seat and reaching for a glass. 'It is time to tell me what is going on.'
'I'm not the woman you think I am,' she said, seeming to choose her words very carefully. 'I'm not like any woman you've ever known before.'
'That's true.'
There was a brief smile but it vanished quickly. 'I don't quite know the best way to tell you what, I think, I need to tell you.'
I got up and went behind her. I kissed the top of her head and placed my hands on her shoulders, feeling the tension evident in her muscles. 'Just try to relax and say the words. It can't be that bad.'
'It could be,' she added.
'I can handle it,' I said to her. 'Are you married?'
That provoked a laugh. 'If only it were that simple,' she said. 'The truth is a little more intense than that.'
I kissed her again. 'Tell me.'
'I'm a hermaphrodite,' she said softly.
I stared at the top of her head, unsure of what I heard was what she actually said. My silence continued for several moments before she inclined her head and looked at me.
'Did you hear me?' she asked.
I looked at the collection of wine bottles. 'I did but I think the wine must be affecting me more than it normally does. I heard hermaphrodite.'
'That's what I am,' she confirmed.
'Are you serious?' I asked her, stunned by it. It was all I could think of to say.
Lakshmi stood up slowly and turned to face me. 'I was born with the wrong number of sex chromosomes,' she said. 'For years my parents thought I was one sex and then the changes became apparent. Tests revealed what I was.'
'A hermaphrodite?'
'But not a true one. That is rare. I have the male sex organs whereas the remainder of me has all the appearance of a female. It was difficult to accept but it's who I am, Raju. I can't change that. I tried to tell you before, years ago. I wasn't good with words. I still find it difficult to explain.'
'You are being serious, aren't you?' I asked, incredulous.
Lakshmi nodded. 'Very much so, Fuck! I shouldn't have let us get to this stage without telling you. I'd better leave.'
I reached out and stopped her. 'No, don't leave.'
'I can't stay. Look at your face, Raju. It's not just surprise that's there. I know. I've been dealing with reactions like this all my adult life. I hoped that…I don't know what the fuck I hoped.'
'Stay,' I said.
I stepped up to her, held her face as I kissed her, long and passionately. When I drew away she looked at me with a mixture of confusion and surprise. I was feeling the same thing. 'I'm shocked, yes. I'd be lying to you if I weren't. At the same time, I love you all the more for what you've told me.'
'You do?'
'Yes. Do you want to know another reason why my marriage failed? I had an affair once. I provided security to a bar in Dublin and fell for one of the bartenders. A transsexual. I still, to this day, fantasize about her.'
'You're only saying that.'
I shook my head. 'I'm not. If I were really disgusted by what you just told me, would I still be here? Talking to you? I don't think so and neither do you. And there's one other thing you should know about me.'
I set my glass of wine down on the table. I unbuckled my belt, pulled down the zipper and allowed my trousers to fall to the floor. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw my shaved legs, the white stockings I wore, attached to a suspender belt. A pair of white panties with a lace front covered my erect penis.
'Do you believe me now?' I asked.
'They look good on you,' she said, her face brightening into a smile. Lakshmi began to relax and regain her composure. 'Take off your shirt.'
I undressed for her and, as she added, left only the panties and stockings as I sat down again. Ever since my wife had left, I had gotten into the habit of wearing them every day. The transsexual had introduced me to these pleasures. We talked more about what we had revealed to the other. I found myself more attracted to her than ever before and she, she revealed, felt the same. There were signs, I recalled, of her trying to tell me in her letters and the way she had spoken about the nuns in the Philippines. I wasn't smart enough, then, to have picked up on them. Now, I could see them plainly. 'Show me,' I told her.
Lakshmi stood up from the chair and walked around to stand a few paces away from me. I watched her remove her dress and throw it aside. Underneath, she wore a patterned bra, her breasts inviting behind them. My eyes travelled her stocking-clad legs to the white panties she wore. This was the most undressed I had ever seen her and I could see the bulge that was growing behind them. Her hands gripped the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. Her cock was semi-hard, twitching as it was freed. I smiled with lust as I saw her take hold of herself and start to stroke herself to full erection. In the end, her cock was long and thick, coated in a thick black covering of hair at the base whereas mine, these days, was shaved bare.
'Well?' she asked.
'I'm impressed this is quite big like your breasts,' I replied. 'Of all the things I could have thought about you, I never came to this conclusion.'
'I thought I would have made a fool of myself,' she admitted.
'Will you stay the night, then?'
'Of course.'
I stood up then and went over to her. We kissed with an explosion of passion that we hadn't before. The revelations had affected us both deeply, took ourselves to a whole different level of arousal. An arousal which screamed from every pore of our bodies and carried the other further on its' waves. I unclipped her bra and exposed her heavy breasts, with their erect nipples. I kissed each breast, sucking on her nipples, caressing the firm flesh, feeling the hot, hard cock pressed against my panties, rubbing against my own, similarly hard but smaller cock. Moans of pleasure came from her mouth and her hands reached for my panties, struggling to push them down in her eagerness.
“As lovely as I remember. I don’t know why but it always made me happy while remembering you that you have a small penis than mine” she gasped as her hand wrapped itself around my cock, stroking my engorged shaft. I shuddered at her touch, moaned into her breasts and felt warmth I barely recognized.
Now, I reached for her cock and felt it.
'Suck me,' she whispered in a husky voice, fraught with lust.
I simply got down on my knees and examined her monster cock, stroking her and caressing her hairy balls. Holding her at the base, I have to wide open my mouth and pushed her inside. I sucked her deep, all the way to the back of my throat, enjoying every lucid, decadent sensation as she filled me. Lakshmi was hot inside my mouth, my tongue licking up and down and around. What I could not put inside, I stroked. Lakshmi held my head, stroking my hair as I sucked her deeper and harder, teasing her towards an inevitable orgasm. I wanted to taste her, feel her as I drank her come. Above me there was an incessant moan of pleasure. It appeared to be one, long moan but really it was a series of little moans, so close to each other as to give such an impression.
Her sex was divine. Knowing the woman she truly was took me to heights of pleasure that were almost dizzying. There was a sudden thrust of her cock deeper into my mouth; a garbled exclamation and then I felt a spurt of hot come strike the back of my throat. It was difficult to keep her inside me as I fought to drink every last drop of her semen, every last tasty drop. I sucked every remnant from her, leaning back and licking the tip of her large, bulging head before sliding it back in and holding her there as I stroked her legs and balls. I could still taste her in my mouth, so rewarding and full of sexual pleasure.
'You are amazing,' she said from above. 'I had often wondered…it was better than that!'
I looked up at her. 'Thank you.'
That provoked a burst of laughter from her as she helped me to my feet and then pulled me over to the bed. We fell down on it, our limbs entwined as we kissed, Lakshmi climbing atop me and pinning me down, taking my hands and putting them on her breasts. She was really a big bone woman.' You have a good body,' I said. 'You must work out a lot.'
'Now and again,' she replied, caressing my Chest & nipples like the transsexual used to do with me. 'I have my own work-out room at the apartment.'
'Fuck me, Lakshmi,' I said.
With a forceful thrust, she pushed at me and I tumbled back onto the bed. She was on my knees straight away, reaching out for me and turning over. She admired my taut buttocks shaved smooth legs and caressed them, leaning down to kiss me. With her face pressed against mine, she spread my cheeks and rubbed the tip of a finger over my smooth anus. She tensed, at first, and then shivered as I teased her. I was so eager to have her. After all the years that had separated us. Wetting her finger with my saliva, She pushed against my anus and then her finger was sliding inside, lubricating my tight, velvety entrance. She moaned, as did I, feeling her inside me.
Shuffling closer, she removed her finger and pressed the head of my cock against her, nudging further. She was grinning with the size difference of her big thick cock with my average size. I felt some resistance at first, and then she gently began to push into me. I parted my legs further with a sigh and she pressed on, watching as her erection vanished inside me. Her moans increased, becoming more guttural the further she entered me, tight around my small anal opening. As I could feel every inch of her inside me, it was a heady sensation.
cock is too big, how I will handle this” I said in shyness.
worry darling, our love will handle this “she said in a lustful manner. Now, I came
to know that she is quite dominating and I liked it along with her.
Then she started to fuck me with a slow and steady rhythm. Me, in time to each of her hard thrusts, pushed back in order to maximize her own pleasure. All I could hear were her defined moans like lion. The more she thrust into me, the more her moans increased and soon became roar. I was moaning more vocally now, pushing deeper into me and with an increased rhythm I demanded.
Then she started to fuck me with a slow and steady rhythm. Me, in time to each of her hard thrusts, pushed back in order to maximize her own pleasure. All I could hear were her defined moans like lion. The more she thrust into me, the more her moans increased and soon became roar. I was moaning more vocally now, pushing deeper into me and with an increased rhythm I demanded.
cried out into the confines of the hotel room as I came. My entire body tensed
and an intense pleasure gripped me as I exploded on my stomach and chest. Even
as she filled me with her come, she was pushing back onto me harder than ever
before, milking every last drop from me with her hands. Elated, and exhausted, I
fell across my back, she reaching down to cup my man boobs, she stayed like
this and let me push against her.
Finally, She pulled out of me and tumbled onto the bed, looking at me as she turned around and clamped her mouth over my cock, licking and sucking it clean as it softened. Seated on my thigh, I could feel her semen leak from her and smear across my stocking.
'That was wonderful,' she whispered. 'I can't wait to do it again. And, I'm going to fuck you this time also.'
'I can't wait either,' I smiled back.
We returned to the table and drank more wine, Lakshmi sitting in my lap. I stroked her back to erection and masturbated her as we sat, drinking. I barely got her to stand up in time. My lips were barely around her when she came into my mouth again, filling me with her sweet juice.
'I wanted to fuck you,' she pouted.
'We have all night,' I grinned, wiping some from the corners of my mouth.
'We do indeed.'
In the bathroom we were engulfed by the steam from the shower as the warm waters cascaded around us. Lakshmi's hands were soaping every inch of my body, sighs of delight escaping me. Her touch was gentle, soothing and erotic all at the same time and my cock was soon hard again. I took up a second bar of soap and began doing the same to her, paying particular attention to her breasts. Then I went further down her body and took hold of her cock.
'Turn around,' she told me sternly. 'Turn around and spread your legs.'
As soon as I had done so, her hands were soaping my buttocks, slipping between them and pressing against my anus. Suddenly, a soapy finger pushed inside me without warning. I gasped aloud but could hardly deny the pleasure it gave me. Lakshmi held me as her finger pushed deeper, drawing out moans from me.
'Nice, isn't it?' she whispered.
'Yes,' I gasped.
'I could think of something nicer,' she added. Then her finger slipped out of me and her hands were reaching past me to turn off the water.
'You tease!' I moaned at her.
With only a smile in reply she led me from the shower and we started to dry each other, teasing each other as we did so, building up the arousal that settled over us like a cloak.
'You won't be saying that soon,' she said, taking me by the hand and leading me back into the bedroom.
Another bottle, the last one, was opened and we drank it while lying on the bed, touching each other intimately. Our hands caressed the others' sex, gripping hard shafts and causing ripples of pleasure to pass through our bodies. I locked her into a long kiss, probing her mouth with everything I felt inside me.
'I want you,' I told her.
'Really?' she teased.
'I need you.'
'Tell me.'
'Fuck me, Lax, fuck me.'
Feeling her cock push inside me again was the most exquisite feeling. Inch by inch she penetrated me, filling me and stretching me. It was more intense than I had ever experienced before. Apart from my transsexual affair I had only fucked myself with a vibrator while I had wanked over Internet sites. Her hands gripped my waist as she thrust hard into me, fucking me with a relentless rhythm that left me panting and gasping for breath, elated beyond compare.
I pushed back against her to feel her more deeply inside me, increasing the pure bliss of being fucked by her. She was telling me that she loved me as she came inside me, filling my passage with hot semen, continuing to thrust until she collapsed back onto the bed, spent for the moment.
Over the next couple of hours, we fucked each other again and pleasured each other orally more than that. I discovered a stamina I had barely known before, one that had boundaries. In the end, my head was spinning as she came over my face and I fell on top of her, my head nestling between her thighs.
'I love you,' was the last thing I remembered saying.
It was daylight when I woke. Lakshmi was sat on the edge of the bed, her naked body dripping from the shower she'd just had. When she realized that I was awake, she turned and threw a towel at me.
Finally, She pulled out of me and tumbled onto the bed, looking at me as she turned around and clamped her mouth over my cock, licking and sucking it clean as it softened. Seated on my thigh, I could feel her semen leak from her and smear across my stocking.
'That was wonderful,' she whispered. 'I can't wait to do it again. And, I'm going to fuck you this time also.'
'I can't wait either,' I smiled back.
We returned to the table and drank more wine, Lakshmi sitting in my lap. I stroked her back to erection and masturbated her as we sat, drinking. I barely got her to stand up in time. My lips were barely around her when she came into my mouth again, filling me with her sweet juice.
'I wanted to fuck you,' she pouted.
'We have all night,' I grinned, wiping some from the corners of my mouth.
'We do indeed.'
In the bathroom we were engulfed by the steam from the shower as the warm waters cascaded around us. Lakshmi's hands were soaping every inch of my body, sighs of delight escaping me. Her touch was gentle, soothing and erotic all at the same time and my cock was soon hard again. I took up a second bar of soap and began doing the same to her, paying particular attention to her breasts. Then I went further down her body and took hold of her cock.
'Turn around,' she told me sternly. 'Turn around and spread your legs.'
As soon as I had done so, her hands were soaping my buttocks, slipping between them and pressing against my anus. Suddenly, a soapy finger pushed inside me without warning. I gasped aloud but could hardly deny the pleasure it gave me. Lakshmi held me as her finger pushed deeper, drawing out moans from me.
'Nice, isn't it?' she whispered.
'Yes,' I gasped.
'I could think of something nicer,' she added. Then her finger slipped out of me and her hands were reaching past me to turn off the water.
'You tease!' I moaned at her.
With only a smile in reply she led me from the shower and we started to dry each other, teasing each other as we did so, building up the arousal that settled over us like a cloak.
'You won't be saying that soon,' she said, taking me by the hand and leading me back into the bedroom.
Another bottle, the last one, was opened and we drank it while lying on the bed, touching each other intimately. Our hands caressed the others' sex, gripping hard shafts and causing ripples of pleasure to pass through our bodies. I locked her into a long kiss, probing her mouth with everything I felt inside me.
'I want you,' I told her.
'Really?' she teased.
'I need you.'
'Tell me.'
'Fuck me, Lax, fuck me.'
Feeling her cock push inside me again was the most exquisite feeling. Inch by inch she penetrated me, filling me and stretching me. It was more intense than I had ever experienced before. Apart from my transsexual affair I had only fucked myself with a vibrator while I had wanked over Internet sites. Her hands gripped my waist as she thrust hard into me, fucking me with a relentless rhythm that left me panting and gasping for breath, elated beyond compare.
I pushed back against her to feel her more deeply inside me, increasing the pure bliss of being fucked by her. She was telling me that she loved me as she came inside me, filling my passage with hot semen, continuing to thrust until she collapsed back onto the bed, spent for the moment.
Over the next couple of hours, we fucked each other again and pleasured each other orally more than that. I discovered a stamina I had barely known before, one that had boundaries. In the end, my head was spinning as she came over my face and I fell on top of her, my head nestling between her thighs.
'I love you,' was the last thing I remembered saying.
It was daylight when I woke. Lakshmi was sat on the edge of the bed, her naked body dripping from the shower she'd just had. When she realized that I was awake, she turned and threw a towel at me.
like you to be hairy there , pointing to her cock and balls’, I said.
I want to to be shaved and cleaned all over “ she said to me with a grin.
are not my legendary girlfriend; you are my
masculine legendary Boyfriend’. I said.
are my Feminine girlfriend’. She
turn,' she said. 'It's nearly time to check out.'
'We could stay?' I suggested.
'No,' she shook her head. 'Let's go to your place. First, can we swing by my apartment so I can pick up a few things?'
'No problem.' I got out of the bed and headed for the shower. I looked at her before I entered the bathroom.
I smiled with happiness.
The End.
'We could stay?' I suggested.
'No,' she shook her head. 'Let's go to your place. First, can we swing by my apartment so I can pick up a few things?'
'No problem.' I got out of the bed and headed for the shower. I looked at her before I entered the bathroom.
I smiled with happiness.
The End.
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